Joshua Polacheck for Corporation Commission

Your contribution builds the momentum we need to secure Arizona’s energy independence.

Our corporation commission is selling off our future to out-of-state fossil fuel companies.

Thanks to the corrupt majority on the commission, our power bills keep going up and up. We can't afford to keep playing politics with our essential utilities.

You elect the Arizona Corporation Commission to oversee public service companies like energy, gas and water utilities. The Commission sets the rates we pay each month and the Commissioners are supposed to ensure that the lights stay on and the taps keep running, affordably and safely. Sadly, the current majority on the Commission is failing at their core constitutional duty.
A field with wind turbines in front of an orange Arizona sunset

I am running to represent you  
because you deserve what all Arizonans
deserve out of our utilities:



We are living in chaotic times. Our current grid is tied to the global commodity markets for gas and coal. That means when Putin decides to invade another neighbor or if there’s conflict in the Middle East, your monthly electricity bill will go up. If we make investments in clean energy, we will control our own electricity prices.

The current Commission is messing with the free market. They are in the pocket of out-of-state oil and coal companies, trying to lock us into dirty, water-hungry, and expensive fossil fuels for another generation.


In Texas, 240 people died when their grid failed due to the over-dependence on fossil fuels. The current majority on the Corporation Commission is trying to force this situation on to Arizona’s power grid. Let’s keep Texas’s failures out of the Grand Canyon state.

Our utility companies are ready to invest in clean energy: solar, wind, storage, and efficiency. But the current Commission is getting in their way. These investments will protect Arizona families and businesses from disruptions to the global gas and coal supply chain, whether natural or man-made disasters. When the mercury hits triple digits, we can’t have our grid fail. Arizona energy independence through clean energy will ensure that never happens. 


As a former national security official with four tours in the Middle East - including Iraq and Pakistan, I saw first-hand the human toll of our global fossil fuel supply chain. Our dependency on foreign energy is a national security issue. 

Arizona is uniquely positioned to harness our greatest natural resource: year round sunshine. With a diverse portfolio of solar, wind, and storage, Arizona can be energy independent, securing our power and economic future regardless of any disruptions to the fossil fuel supply chain. Bringing energy production home will lead to thousands of good, middle class jobs in the rural and urban parts of our state. Plus clean energy saves millions of gallons that go as steam to spin the turbines of gas and coal plants.

Clean energy is already cheaper than fossil fuels, yet the current majority on the Corporation Commission is keeping our utilities using technology from the 1800s.
After nearly twenty years of service to our county, I couldn’t stand by while our Commission was taken over by candidates bankrolled by out-of-state corporations that are taking power away from Arizonans. We need good policy and good governance, not petty corruption.
We are making generational investments in our power grid and we need to make sure those investments bring Arizona energy independence not dependence on expensive and dirty fossil fuels.

Let’s build our own energy, create our own jobs, and secure our own future.

Together we can take back control.
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Hello, I'm Joshua

I grew up across the rural West, the son of an immigrant mother and a father serving in the Indian Health Service. We moved to Tucson for my middle and high school years and, after college, I served almost twenty years as a commissioned Foreign Service Officer with the United States Department of State. I am proud to be the third generation in my family to serve our country.

My overseas tours included Mosul in northern Iraq, Pakistan, Lebanon, Zimbabwe, and the Dominican Republic where I was elected as the shop steward. I saw the transformation to people’s lives when American companies built modern clean energy projects in those countries. But I also saw how greed and corruption can rob people of what they deserve. 
I made the difficult decision in 2020 to resign my commission because my values called me to fight for the Constitution and for our democracy. My oath is sacred. I swore to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic and to bear true faith and allegiance to the same.
That is why I am stepping up to be your next Commissioner. I want to see common sense for the common good. We need to act now if we are going to secure Arizona’s energy future.


We need to flip two seats and hold one to get the Corporation Commission back to its core mission of ensuring our utilities deliver affordable, reliable, and secure service to the Arizona public.

I'm proud to be running as a team with Ylenia Aguilar and Jonathon Hill.


Arizona Corporation Commission candidates duke it out over cost

Both the Republican and Democratic candidates running for the three open seats on the Arizona Corporation Commission last week touted themselves as advocates for ratepayers but that’s where the similarity...

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Arizona Corporation Commission candidates discuss rate increases

Six candidates vying for three seats on the Arizona Corporation Commission went head-to-head in a televised debate Tuesday night moderated by the Citizens Clean Elections Commission...

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AZ Corporation Commission candidates square off over utility rates, renewable energy

In a debate this week, the three Democrats and three Republicans running for the Arizona Corporation Commission sparred over the agency’s role...

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Meet Democratic candidates for Corporation Commission

Three Democrats are hoping to drastically change the makeup of the Arizona Corporation Commission this November.

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Arizona Corporation Commission election: How the candidates compare on key issues

Six candidates will compete for three open seats on the Arizona Corporation Commission.

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Watch the full Sept 3 debate for Arizona Corporation Commission

The candidates vying for three seats on the Arizona Corporation Commission face off.

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